Diet and
Fitness Monthly
I heard it on the weather vane that we're in for a hot summer this
year, so our aim with this month's newsletter is to help you feel
cool, calm and confident in your shorts.
Best wishes, Pat
Hottest Mags
Shouting promises like 'Cellulite Blitz' and 'Shape-up Super Fast',
magazines offer slick and simple solutions. Or do they? WLR's
dietitian Juliette Kellow reviews 5 popular
Slimming Mags and 5 top
Health and Fitness Mags and reveals those that are worth parting
with your case for.
A Little Goes a Long Way
When it comes to weight loss, health and quality of life you can't
beat a bit of
weight training. Just two 15-20 minute sessions a week is enough
to gain all the potential benefits...
£5, £4, £3, £2 and £1 Vouchers
To help you shape up for summer: vouchers for £5, £4, £3, £2 and £1
shape-up essentials.
Don't Work Too Hard
New research shows that high intensity exercise can sabotage weight
loss efforts. Here's why you should
Take it Easy.
Diet Bytes
This month Juliette's news round-up includes the
GI Patch,
Staying Slim Beats Dementia,
Veggies Beat Cholesterol and info about
Para Red.
Success Stories
At only 4'10"
Michelle has quite low daily calorie needs, so losing weight takes
extra effort. But she's managed to lose over a stone and is nearly at
her goal weight.
Becka, who at 5'3" says "I'm quite short so weight shows up very
easily on me", has lost 2 stone to reach her goal weight of 8st 7lb.
Brain Food
Jon's new double-clued straight and cryptic crossword.
Diet and Fitness Monthly
is published once a month by and If you have been forwarded this newsletter and would like to receive
your own copy in future please
click here to subscribe.
Pat Wilson
Member Services Manager
Tel: 01733 345592
29 Metro Centre
Wellbeck Way